Executive Committee
Adina Michael-Titus, PhD, President
University of London, UK
Anna Nicolaou, PhD, Vice-President and President-Elect
University of Manchester, UK
Maria Makrides, PhD, Past President
SAHMRI, Australia
Svein-Olaf Hustvedt, PhD, Secretary
BASF, Norway
Peter Clough, B. Sc., M. Sc., Honorary Secretary
Cobden Research, Ltd., UK
Conflict of Interest Statement
Kevin Lin, PhD, Treasurer
Louisiana State University, USA
Board of Directors
Martin-Paul Agbaga, PhD
University of Oklahoma, USA
Jeannine Baumgartner, PhD
King’s College London, UK
Chuck Chen, PhD
University of Toronto, Canada
Danielle Christifano, PhD
University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
Bernadette Delplanque, PhD
NeuroPSI, France
Jessica Ellis, PhD
East Carolina Univ., USA
Jacqueline Gould, BSocSc, BHlthSc, PhD
SAHMRI, Australia
Kei Hamazaki, MD, PhD
Gunma University, Japan
Anne-Marie Minihane, PhD
Norwich Medical School, UK
Susan Hazels Mitmesser, PhD
Pharmavite, USA
Adam Metherel, PhD
University of Toronto, Canada
Harry Rice, PhD
Saame ‘Raz’ Shaikh, PhD
UNC Chapel Hill, USA
Ken Stark, PhD
University of Waterloo, Canada
Rachel Walker, PhD
Pennsylvania State University, USA
We would like to thank the following individuals for their leadership as President of ISSFAL over the years, you may view them here.