New Investigator Awards
These awards are made in conjunction with ISSFAL's biennial congresses. They are awarded by the meeting organisers, to encourage researchers at the start of their career to attend the meeting, and to recognise and encourage excellence in oral and poster presentations by those investigators.
Eligibility Criteria
- Degree Requirement: Nominees must have obtained their first professional post-graduate degree within the past 5 years, or 8 years with an allowed career break (up to 3 years for maternity/paternity or health issues).
- Society Membership: Nominees must be members in good standing with ISSFAL.
- Submission: Must be the presenting author of the abstract at the Congress.
- Re-nomination: Candidates who are not selected in one year may be considered in subsequent years if they continue to meet the eligibility criteria.
Application Process
- Call for Applications: A call for applications will be issued by the ISSFAL Secretary no later than January 31st in the year of the Congress.
- Submission Process: Applicants can indicate their interest in this award by checking the relevant box in the abstract submission system.
- Submission Deadline: By the 31st of March on the abstract submission system.
- Review Process: By the 30th of April, applications will be evaluated by the Nominations and Awards Committee.
Award Selection: Recipients are selected by a subcommittee composed of members from the Executive and Organizing/Scientific Committees, which may also include a representative from the sponsoring company. The number and nature of awards depend on the sponsorship available for each meeting. The specific criteria for selecting awardees are determined by the meeting organizers.
Award Details
- Prize: The exact prize amount varies depending on the sponsorship support available for each meeting. Typically, the award includes a monetary prize in US dollars, which is intended to assist with registration and travel expenses to attend the ISSFAL meeting where the award will be presented.
- Notification: The awardees will be notified by the Nominations and Awards Committee in advance of the Congress.
Announcement: The awardees will be announced at the Biennial Congress, included in the Congress program, and on the ISSFAL website.
2023 ISSFAL Congress Awardees
Yohan Chaudron, MNHL (France) Fabiano Cimmino, Institut Agro (France) Helena Fisk, University of Naples Federico II (UK) Amina Bourraga, National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine (Russia) Genieve James, The University of Texas at Austin (USA) Brinley Klievik, University of Toronto (Canada) Isabell Nessel, Queen Mary University of London (UK) YongSoon Park, Hanyang University (Korea) Arista Nienaber, North-West University (South Africa) Danielle Christifano, PhD, University of Kansas Medical Center (USA)
2021 ISSFAL Congress Awardees
Nada Abuknesha, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Helena Fisk, University of Southampton, United Kingdom Chang Gao, University of Adelaide, Australia Genevieve James, University of Texas, United States Anne Manson (Mendonca), University of Manitoba, Canada Zelei Miao, Westlake University, China Mackenzie Smith, University of Toronto, Canada Elizabeth Symington, UNISA, South Africa Inge van der Wurff, Open University, Netherlands Kathryne Wierenga, Michigan State University, United States
For the 2021 Congress, BASF generously supported 50 new investigators registration awards and 10 awards of $1,000 each to the Top 10 New Investigators.
2018 ISSFAL Congress Awardees
Surjyadipta Bhattacharjee, LSU Health Science Center, United States of America
Abhishek Desai, NIAAA, United States of America Jessica Ferguson, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom Kristine Gagnon, University of Moncton, Canada Abe Kasonga, University of Pretoria, South Africa R.J. Scott Lacombe, University of Toronto, Canada Taeyop Park, National Institutes of Health, United States of America Rachel Walker, Penn State University, United States of America Kathryn Wierenga, Michigan State University, United States of America Inge van der Wurff, Open University, Netherlands
2016 ISSFAL Congress Awardees
Juan Aristizabal Henao, University of Waterloo, Canada
Christina Brei, Else Kroner-Fresenius, School of Health and Sciences, Germany Blake Hopiavuori, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, United States of America Kathryn Hopperton, University of Toronto, Canada Abe Kasonga, University of Pretoria, South Africa Michael Macartney, University of Wollongong, Australia Eline Stoutjesdijk, UMCG, The Netherlands Marc Trepanier, University of Toronto, Canada Fenglei Wang, Zhejiang University, China Annette West, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
2014 ISSFAL Congress Awardees
Jeannine Baumgartner - North-West University, South Africa Célia Bidu - UMR-INSERM/University of Burgundy, France Chih-Chiang Chiu - Taipei City Psychiatric Center, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan Raphael Chouinard-Watkins - Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada Deanna Gibson - University of British Columbia Okanagan, Canada Jacqueline Gould - Women's and Children's Health Research Institute, Australia Brandon Hidaka - University of Kansas Medical Center, USA Kerry Lee - University of Auckland, New Zealand Fredrik Rosqvist - Uppsala University, Sweden Niccolo Terrando - Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
2012 ISSFAL Congress Awardees
Eva-Maria Bachmair (UK) - Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid Supplementation on the Human Platelet Proteome Denovan Begg (USA) - Thirst Deficits in Aging are Reversed by Dietary Omega-3 Fatty Acids or Cyclooxygenase Inhibition Mariela Bernabe-Garcia (Mexico) - Enteral DHA Reduces the Need of Buprenorphine Dose in Surgical Neonates at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Mariela Bernabe-Garcia (Mexico) - Evidence of Beneficial Effects of Enteral Docosahexaenoic Acid on Cytokine Production and Clinical Outcomes in Surgical Neonates Camilla Damsgaard (Denmark) - The Effects of N-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Bone Formation and Growth Factors in Adolescent Boys Rachel Gow (USA) - An investigation into LC-PUFA, Event Related Potential (ERPs) assessments of brain function and behavioural measures in children and adolescents with ADHD and healthy matched controls Melissa Gregory (Australia) - Elongase Reactions as Control Points in Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Synthesis Catherine Milte (Australia) - Improvements in Childhood Learning and Behaviour Accompany Increases in Omega-3 Status Catherine Milte (Australia) - Long Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation Improves Cognition and Mood in Older Australians With Memory Problems Kelly Mulder (Canada) - Evidence of Inadequate DHA During Prenatal Development Contributes to Loss of Developmental Potential in Canadian Infants Suresh Mohankumar (Canada) - Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Conjugated Linoleic Acid-Induced Skeletal Muscle Glucose Transport Zacharoula Nikolakopoulou (UK) - The Effect of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Oral and Epidermal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Sarah Orr (Canada) - Chronic and Acute Increases in Unesterified DHA are Protective in a Mouse Model of Neuroinflammation Kuan-Pin Su (UK) - Mind-Body Interface: Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Somatic Symptoms in Major Depressive Disorder
2010 ISSFAL Congress Awardees
M. Bernabe (Mexico) - Evidence of beneficial effects of enteral docosahexaenoic acid on cytokine production and clinical outcomes in surgical neonates P. Jackson (UK) - DHA-rich fish oil modulates cerebral haemodynamics in a dose response manner in healthy young adult K. Su (Taiwan) - The effects of polymorphisms in phospholipase a2 and cyclo-oxygenase 2 genes on interferon-alphainduced depression and polyunsaturated fatty acids levels Giuseppe Astarita (USA) - Deficient liver biosynthesis of docosahexaenoic acid correlates with cognitive impairment in alzheimer’s disease M. Gregory (Australia) - Cloning and functional characterisation of the fatty acyl elovl2 and elovl5 from rat C. Coomans (Netherlands) - Brain insulin signaling promotes fatty acid uptake by adipose tissue J. Lambert (Canada) - Islet transplant patients do not respond to hypolipidemic dietary intervention role of hepatic de novo lipogenesis C. Childs (UK) - The DHA content of rat liver phospholipids are significantly higher when an alpha-linolenic acid rich diet is provided during pregnancy R. Kuipers (Netherlands) - The relation between DHA and AA is synergistic at low DHA status and antagonistic at high DHA status
The full list of all 63 New Investigator Awardees prior to 2010 (with mentor's name) Sarah Abbott, (A. J.Hulbert),University of Wollongong,Wollongong, NSW,Australia Martin-Paul Agbaga, (Robert E.Anderson),University of Oklahoma,Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,USA Anita Royneberg Alvheim, (Livar Froyland),University of Bergen , Bergen,Norway Alpesh Amin, (William S.Harris),University of Kansas Medical Center and University of South Dakota,Kansas City, Kansas and Sioux Falls, South Dakota,USA Hildur Arnardottir, (Ingibjorg Hardardottir),University of Iceland,Reykjavik, Iceland Gwendolyn Barcelo-Coblijn, (Pablo V. Escribá),University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Maria Laura Belaunzarán, (Elvira L.Durante de Isola),University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,Argentina Michael Bennett, (Drake C.Mitchell),National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,NIH,Bethesda,Maryland,USA Joanne Bradbury, (Stephen P.Myers),University of Queensland, Brisbane,Australia Dehua Cao, (Hee-Yong Kim),National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,NIH,Rockville,Maryland,USA Carol Cheatham, (Susan E.Carlson),University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas,USA Jinghai Chen, (William S.Harris),University of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, South Dakota,USA Dany Chevalier, (Michel Lhermitte),University of Lille, Lillle, France Caroline Childs, (P.C.Calder),University of Southampton, Southampton,UK Rebecca Cook-Johnson, (Les Cleland & Michael James),Royal Adelaide Hospital,Adelaide,Adelaide, SA,Australia Camilla Damsgaard, (Lotte Lauritzen),University of Copenhagen,Copenhagen,Denmark Jane Deeley, (Stephen Blanksby),University of Wollongong,Wollongong,NSW,Australia James Drover, (Eileen E. Birch),University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,Dallas,Texas,USA Carla Dullemeijer, (Frans J. Kok),Wageningen University,Wageningen,The Netherlands Alison Fear, (P.C.Calder),University of Southampton, Southampton,UK Cassandra Forsythe, (Jeff Volek),University of Connecticut, Storrs,Connecticut,USA Julia Geppert, (Kebreab Ghebremeskel), London Metropolitan University, London,UK Rachael Gibbs, (D. Ian Givens),University of Reading,Reading,UK Melissa Gregory, (Robert Gibson), Flinders University, SA,Australia Kei Hamazaki, (Hee-Yong Kim),National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,NIH,Rockville,Maryland,USA Bill Huang, (Hee-Yong Kim),National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,NIH,Rockville,Maryland,USA E-Chu Huang, (Jay Whelan),University of Tennessee, Knoxville,Tennessee,USA Giorgis Isaac, (Ruth Welti), Kansas State University,Manhattan, Kansas,USA Philippa Jackson, (David O. Kennedy),Northumbria University,Newcastle-upon-Tyne,UK Susan Kary, (Susan E.Carlson),University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas,USA Kathryn Weirenga Abhishek Desai, NIAAA, United States of America Abe Kasonga, University of Pretoria, South Africa Inge van der Wurff, Open University, Netherlands Jessica Ferguson, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom Kristine Gagnon, University of Moncton, Canada Rachel Walker, Penn State University, United States of America Surjyadipta Bhattacharjee, LSU Health Science Center, United States of America Taeyop Park, National Institutes of Health, United States of America